4:12 PM: it was too much, so I removed the blue collaged bit on the right & the map fragment next to his right hand. better, methinks. the latest version is ABOVE.
watercolor/collages 1-5 with today’s #5 on the far left
3:37 PM: I added an orange bit of collage & I think i’ll stop for the day. I have a short day tomorrow, so i’ll see when I come in tomorrow morning how I feel about the work I did today. BELOW is the whole series thus far, with today’s work on the left
watercolor/collages 1-5 with today’s #5 on the far left
2:07 PM: I added some collaged areas to watercolor/collage #5, which I started yesterday. the before & after is BELOW. while I did like the spare simplicity of yesterday’s version, the collaged elements I added today and the richer colors on his upper garment bring it more into alignment with the previous 4 in this series.