continuing 2/5/22 oil/collage / by Philip Tarlow

2/5/22 oil/collage at the end of my painting day today

the painting on my work table with my palette

1:49 PM: i’m stopping for the day. burnt out!

I did quite a bit, including the first collaged piece of paper with a fragment of one of the drawings I made last week. it’s to the right of the female dancer in the center of the composition. so right now it’s ancient roman mosaic meets 2020 tokyo olympics, with blues, reds & yellows dominating. mixing all these elements together is highly exciting & at the same time amusing for me. it’s like i’m allowing them to take the lead & tell their story while piecing together the architecture and design.

while there are clearly some elements that have appeared in previous paintings in this. series, I don’t feel i’m repeating myself. I hate the predictable in art as in the rest of life, but i’m finding that, during each successive period I traverse, i’m excited by a certain set of images, colors and compositional devices. and, as long as they do, I continue down that path. when it’s over, it becomes very clear to me that there’s no more juice, and I move on.

at work this morning on 2/5/22 oil/collage

11:52 AM: I dove back in with gusto, to 2/5/22 oil/collage this morning, feeling gratitude for my beautiful, spacious, light studio and for the ability to stand on the cement floor all day with no problem. i’ll update a bit later this afternoon. I’ll be stopping around 2:30 so we can put on our cleats and walk up the snow & ice covered trail to the stupa.