declaring canvas 17 complete & starting canvas 18 / by Philip Tarlow

canvas 18 at the en dof my painting day today

BELOW: canvas 18, 4 stages of development

1:10 PM: yesterday afternoon I did lots of work on canvas 17 & figured i’d pick up where I left off today. but when I gave it my first glance, it seemed resolved, so I moved on to canvas 18. I feel like a locomotive roaring down the tracks. I can’t stop, so watch out! this one has started out as a realist depiction of celebrating musicians/dancers, once again at the 2020 tokyo olympics celebration.

it’s a great example of ontogeny, or “the process of development from a single cell, an egg or a zygote, to an adult organism.” so this would represent the single cell in my current process of developing a painting. phylogeny, in biology, is the history of the evolution of a species or group. so my daily blog could be thought of along these lines. but the species, in this case the painting, develops in unpredictable ways. now, of course you could say it’s somewhat predictable, based on what has preceded it; in this case the 17 previous paintings in this ongoing series.

following a conversation this morning with mikela, i’ve decided to consciously do that with this painting, more closely and carefully than with previous iterations in this polyptych suite. so stay tuned and let’s see what the next stage looks like.