1:34 PM: when i entered my studio this morning w-cup 1 still seemed way too busy. so, using grey & pink, i simplified, for the moment retaining only the dancing figure but with a checkerboard patterning added to his trousers. so now i’m returning to w-cup 2, which i still like a lot, so i won’t do much. then i may start a new one if i have the energy.
2:35 PM: so i just made some minor but important tweaks to w-cup 2, which i think has resolved it.
on wednesday i had gone over the whole painting with a thin wash of grey oil paint, as i was intending to use it as an underpainting. but when i revisited it yesterday, i felt sad to obliterate this beautiful composition, with it’s precious white spaces.
so, while it was still wet, i went over the grey paint with a solvent soaked rag, removing almost all of it. in the process though, i took out the delicate sienna pencil drawing of the soccer player’s bodies. so today i re-drew them, and i think we’re done!
w-cup 2 following my tweaks
w-cup 1 12/30/22 1-45pm