2:38 PM: this morning, inspired by a comment mikela made a few days ago, i decided to shift the size & shape of my canvas & make a vertical composition. this one is 42x19”
the central figure is that of a skateboarder; one of the many images i have from the 2020 tokyo olympics. it’s kind of a follow up on the one i did yesterday, which however didn’t include any figures. thus far, yellows, red & blues dominate, with the exception of the violet skateboard at the bottom of the composition.
a quick glance from afar gives one the impression one is looking at an 18th c. japanese print. no accident, as i’ve been perusing a lot of them over breakfast.
at the bottom of this composition are a group of 18th c. japanese poets, artists & musicians seated in a landscape, drinking wine.
skateboarder dancing, 42x19” oil on linen, stage 1