1/1/2022 oil/collage right side up
3:16 PM: I did quite a bit of work on 1/1/2022 oil/collage today, much of it using collage. as you will notice in the comparative views BELOW, I love the checkered patterning on the sleeve, top right. the two sets of hands are from a photo I took from above at a dinner party here in Crestone/baca about 10 years ago or so. they mirror the checker board the kids on the left are playing with. interesting how the red beach ball in the center serves as a focal point for the entire composition. some of the collaged paper hasn’t bonded completely with the canvas, so i’ll fix that in the morning. I did a good days work & i’m just about ready to go back to the house & have dinner with my honey.
oh and by the way, I had a conversation this morning with the director of a gallery in aspen and we settled on a fall date for my solo show. more on that later.
12:32 PM: I needed some of those drawings I make & then cut into pieces, so I made some this morning & will be using them to collage onto 1/1/2022 oil/collage in a little while.
11:11 AM: this morning before coming to the studio, I was going through some photos of past creek drawings. here are a couple I picked out.
resuming work on 1/1/2022 OIL/COLLAGE now; i’ll post in a while.