1/8/2022 polyptych, canvas 11, day 1
3:32 PM: so I moved on to canvas 11 in this suite of 12 canvases. an acrobat from the tokyo olympics celebration doing a handstand is the central figure. he cam into the picture towards the end of my painting day. you will see elements from the previous 10 paintings here, if you take a look at them tacked to my studio wall.
the face on the left reflects the direction I was taking when I started painting this morning, inspired by ancient mosaics. the small figures moving the large multi colored blocks are also from the tokyo olympics final celebration. in the lower right is a collaged piece of an article sent to me by a friend in houston who knows how much I love watches.
10 of the 12 paintings in the 12 painting suite
1/8/2022 polyptych, canvas 7 following this mornings adjustments
11:40 AM: when I entered my studio I saw the need for one more tweak to 1/8/2022 polyptych, canvas 7. I spent about 45 minutes on it and am about to move on to something new.
BELOW: the before (left) and after
the areas I modified are: the juggler’s head, face & red jacket; and the dancer’s face, which is now enveloped in light blue. a couple of collaged bits have also been added: on the lower portion of the juggler’s body and the pink just to the right of the dancer, who now sports green socks! breaking up the juggler’s torso has allowed the rest of the composition to more freely sing it’s song, as has the blue surrounding the dancer’s upper torso.
by the way, the collaged bit of colored drawing covering the lower portion of the juggler’s torso is from a large sketchy self portrait I made about 6 months ago. the black dot is my iris and the red line above it, which blends so perfectly with the lines of his body, is the top of my eyelid.