5:58 PM: mikela is at a dinner event at the university in alamosa & i’m here posting following a small dinner. there was a thunderstorm happening & it was pouring, so i couldn’t eat on the deck, as i had planned.
work will begin in a few days on the new 10x20 ft. storage space addition on the south side of my studio, and i’m SO excited!!
i shot a couple of photos of the exterior south wall of the studio, where the storage space will be. it will run the 20 ft. length of what was meant to be a trombe wall (collects heat & transfers to the interior) but wasn’t properly constructed so it never really worked. anyway, the space will run the length of that metal wall and extend out from it 10 ft. there will be a door connecting to the studio about in the middle. with the right shelving, i should easily be able to fit all the painting currently clogging up my studio interior. on friday, the concrete company’s truck will arrive and pour the cement foundation, which the construction crew will frame wednesday & thursday. they’ll also pour cement into a framed 4x14ft. area in front of the front door of our house, which is 500 ft. north of the studio, so that we no longer track mud into the house when it’s raining or snowing.
the second cement slab will be located here, in front of the door.
9/22/2021 painting/collage after accenting the line running down the left side of the paddler’s body.
2:07 PM: I kind of thought 9/22/2021 painting/collage was resolved, until mikela took a look and gave me the following feedback: the central figure needs to be a little more defined.” so today, I looked carefully and saw exactly what she meant.
so as I was stretching a new 26x62 in. portrait linen canvas, I grabbed a big fat, dark blue oil stick and darkened the line defining the left side of his body and the lower left edge of his bathing suit. you can see the difference in the two images BELOW. in yesterday’s version on the left, that figure gets lost in the overall conflagration of forms, colors and lines.