9/22/2021 painting/collage stage 3 at the end of my painting day today
2:49 PM: a good example of a painting in it’s becoming state. I really love the whimsicality and fluidity of this stage. tomorrow will be a critical day, assuming I have the juice to paint after our morning trail walk, which I usually do. i’m stopping a bit early for the day, both because my fresh morning energy is gone and because it’s Thursday; the day our friends Suzanne & Kent are at the kiosk in town with their big truck full of fruits & veggies. so from here i’ll be driving to the kiosk to get some delicious fresh organic produce, fresh from the farm.
12:43 PM: this morning I continued to develop 9/22/2021 painting/collage, adding some of my dancing, jumping figures. as the day progresses, i’ll post the latest versions.
forgot to mention that, 2 days ago while driving to town, I felt something on my calf. part of me knew what it was, but I remained in denial until I saw the little guy: a small mouse scurrying about the inside of our suv. almost drove off the road at one point, but finally got it when I returned home. no idea how he got in.