continued modifications of 6/10/2021 painting/collage & a new watercolor/collage / by Philip Tarlow

4:30 PM: just before walking out the door, I collaged a piece of a cut up drawing to the right of the redhead.

continued updates to 6/10/2021 painting/collage, with the main area of modification on the right

3:26 PM: revisions on the right quadrant: I worked/played exclusively on the red headed paddler on the right quadrant of the composition. the black band running across the top of the composition has been broken up with a collaged page form a vermeer catalogue. thus, the red lettering we see on the upper left is now repeated next to the red head, while vermeer’s “the love letter” can be seen turned on it’s side in the very upper right corner. ecstatic tokyo olympics dancers mingle with a colorado paddler and a vermeer masterpiece.

our experience of space/time is rapidly coming full circle. where, loren mcIntyre, asked cambio in one of my favorite books: amazon beaming, are we going? where is the beginning of time? HERE!, said he. loren has just begun experiencing the non-verbal communication practiced by the mayoruna. he suggests that this was how communication happened before “civilization” entered the picture.

I like to imagine that the discreet events and persons who are players in this painting are swimming in a sea of now.

of course first and foremost, always, this is a painting: marks on a 2 dimensional surface creating a play of forms and color in space.

2:06 PM: didn’t sleep too well & wasn’t sure i could get anything done. but, here I am!

i’m modifying the red haired paddler on the right & took a break to make this 9x11” watercolor/collage on paper. the figures are familiar: the tokyo olympics dancers.

continued modifications to 6/10/2021 painting/collage