looking back at ano kato / continuing work on 9/10/2021 painting/collage / by Philip Tarlow

9/10/2021 painting/collage at 3:35 PM

3:25 PM: continuing modifications to 9/10/2021 painting/collage, i simplified the composition, making it easier for the eye to move around the composition. the blue is now dominant, and a narrow red stripe at the top helps create a more coherent whole. I do think that the blue has become a bit too dominant, as was the previous overall black. so it needs more work, but if you compare the two, your eye can scan the surface without getting stuck on some of those whites in the previous version.

2PM: I added quite a few collaged elements to this painting, which I felt was becoming too predictable. now it’s like a 3 ring circus. i’m going to continue working for another hour or two, and will post any changes I make.

this is one area where I think the collage works well.

DETAIL of one of the newly collaged areas

7:07 AM: in 2015 i made a series of paintings titled ano kato, which in greek means literally topsy turvy. they’re all based on photos i had shot over time, many in museums, some in schools. so here’s one of the 16x16” paintings in that series. it inspires me to simplify what i’m currently up to.

BELOW: the link to my ano kato series.


getting to work now & will post periodically during the day.