starting the color on tokyo olympics 2 / by Philip Tarlow

3:27 PM: I took tokyo olympics 2 further following a quick trip into town to get some very fresh eggs from organically raised happy hens.

a tree branch spans the painting horizontally & you can make out some creek rocks drawn in above it. it will take a few days to get the whole thing moving. great fun working on my newly arrived extra fine portrait linen, which is super sensitive to every stroke of the brush or mark of a crayon. thus far one collaged piece of the drawing I made yesterday has appeared, on the body of the dancing boy in the center, making him sort of resemble a postman.

the skateboarder with the yellow top from tokyo olympics 1 has reappeared. a lot more will happen before it’s over, so stay tuned!

DETAIL of dancing woman

tokyo olympics 2 at 3pm today

12:28 PM: while listening to the youtube video of joni mitchell in london, 1970, i applied the first strokes of color. “don’t it always seem to go: you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone….” she sang. the first figure to receive my strokes is a guy dancing crazily to the music at the olympics final celebration, with black & green pants that have birds.