7/30/2021 creek oil, 16x20” at the ned of my painting day today.
3pm: a complete re-work took place while you were napping. I think this is it for today. having some delicious fresh corn for dinner, which we got yesterday at the kiosk, from suzanne. t. & her husband.
i’m finding the little grill-like image at the top intriguing; that little bit in the center reads as the head of a figure when you glance at it. and that pink I added really works in the composition.
time to clean up & get back to the house. see ya tomorrow, friends.
1:44 PM: at work moments ago on 7/30/2021 creek oil
this one started out a while back as a crop of a larger oil/collage, and wasn’t going anywhere. so it was sitting facing the wall for 3-4 weeks & today was it’s day. i’ve been going back & forth between stretching 7/18/2021 creek oil after removing the masonite backing, and this one you see.it’s still not resolved, but better than it was and likely salvageable, if I persist tomorrow.
at work on 7/30/2021 creek oil 16x20”
9:12 AM: I brought 7/10/2021 creek oil over to the house to evaluate. here it is sitting on the floor of our entryway