just today discovered these 7 self portrait drawings I made in February, 2014
I recall deciding to make one every morning before leaving for my studio. they’re all pen & ink, except for this one you see on the right, which is colored pencil. I used our bathroom mirror to capture my reflection.
looking at these inspires me to do another round, 8 years later, which i’ll post if I actually follow through on this threat.
6/24/2021 creek drawing/collage. 49.5x49.5 in. at 1pm today
1:29 PM: this morning I had the intention of taking 6/24/2021 creek drawing/collage further. but I didn’t want to overdo it. I think I accomplished that, adding something, reflecting, adding another little bit, etc. during studio cleanup a few weeks ago, I came across 5 pieces, each 30x22.5” on arches paper that are very much in the same spirit, although they are smaller and on paper, and don’t contain any collaged elements. it’s interesting to note that, in the one on the left, below, I inserted a figure, just beneath the rock. 6/24/2021 creek drawing/collage also contains a small figure, of our friend David installing new lighting oil our closet, and it’s in almost the exact same area of the painting.
as i’m gazing at it, I think i’m going to declare it complete, stretch it and bring it to the house, where it can be inserted in it’s substantial wood frame. as i’ve mentioned in an earlier post, we removed the 2001 creek oil that resided in that frame for the past 20 years, to make way for this new one. that’s the reason the dimensions are so unusual: 49.5x49.5”, which are the dimensions of the old stretcher bar. as soon as it’s stretched, all the wrinkles you may have noticed will dissapear.
it’s interesting to compare the 2017/2017 works on paper with this new one , so I posted 2 of them below.
at work this morning on 6/24/2021 creek drawing/collage
BELOW: 2 just discovered 2014 drawings
6:38 AM: you probably think i’m nuts, but i love sharing my delicious breakfasts, and what i’m reading as i eat them.
here you see my little breakfast table in the studio. at the top is the latest atlantic magazine. the cover article is about british pm boris johnson. i’ve been reading it with my breakfast over the past few days, and learning more about johnson, who is a much more complex & interetsing character than i imagined. and on the plate: toasted pumpernickle from trader joe’s, slathered with french boursin, topped with greek capers, then a layer of wild caught alaskan smoked salmon topped with slices of fresh tomatoes. and next to the plate, my morning cup of organic matcha tea with a teaspoon of manuka honey. great way to start my day of painting!