morning creek drawings with mosquito netting / by Philip Tarlow

11:28 AM: this morning at 6:45am we set off for the creek. i’m not going up the trail with mikela until my groin strain healing process is further along. so I stayed down at the stupa trailhead, where there’s an ideal place to stand and make colored pencil drawings. we’re both wearing our mosquito netting jackets during this, the heart of mosquito season, and I took a photo of one of them that landed on my drawing. it’s kind of a drag, but you get used to it. and, even though we’re experiencing a heat wave this week, at that early hour the temperature is a perfect 55-60F.

mikela accurately commented that these drawings are serving the purpose of refining my lines, which is showing up in recent paintings, where there’s a certainty in my marks that’s new.

one of the drawings I made at the creek this morning