6/10/2021 creek oil stage 1 / 5/19 & 5/20/2019 creek oils rediscovered / an aborted trip to the creek / by Philip Tarlow

6/10/2021 creek oil, stage 1 26x78”

2:47 PM: I started work today on 6/10/2021 creek oil, 26x78”

it’s based, for the moment, on a series of photos I shot this morning at n. crestone creek, where I had gone to paint a watercolor. the mosquitoes were swarming, and I had to leave after making only 10-12 brush strokes. it’s that time of year. but we have netted mosquito jackets, which i’ll wear next time I go. the light was spectacular, and made me want to return soon, despite the mosquitoes.

last time we were in denver, I dropped off two new creek oils and took one back, which consisted of 4 attached canvases, each 16x20” when I got it back to the studio, I unscrewed the metal plates holding them together, and found them much stronger as individual paintings. here’s one on the right.

i’m cooked for the day, so i’ll go back to the house, have dinner with mikela & watch a few matches of the french open tennis semi-finals.

5/19/19 creek oil 20x16”

with 6/10/2021 creek oil, stage 1, and 5/19/19 creek oil they look like they want to be together, don’t they?