morning drawing / two of the completed paintings in this series of 4 are now hanging on my studio wall / by Philip Tarlow

4/23/21 creek oil (top) and 5/3/21 creek oil (bottom) hanging on my studio wall.

2:28 PM: 4/23/21 & 5/3/21 creek oils hanging on studio wall. two of the four paintings for my denver gallery are completed, and i just now hung them on my east studio wall. this may be how they are hung once they enter the client’s space. i’m now preparing to make some changes to 4/29/21 creek oil, mainly to reduce unnecessary marks and allow it be be more along the lines of these two. once that’s complete, i can start work on the final 26x78 painting likely sometime next week.

5/6/21 morning drawing 10x6” colored pencil

9:41 AM: i have to go back to the house in 10 minutes for a zoom with our german friends at 10. be back around 11:30. do i continue yesterday’s revisions of 4.23.21 creek oil, or is it resolved….for now? when i walked in the morning, i was struck by it’s freshness, boldness of composition and, yes decorative qualities.

so now i’m looking more critically at 4/29/21 creek oil critically and comparing it with the other two. it has a beauty all it’s own, and i’m loathe to mess with it. let’s see how i feel when i return from our zoom.

in the meantime, here’s the morning drawing i made a few hours ago, before meditating, looking down towards our entryway from our 2nd floor.