6:31 PM: parade 17, oil and collage on linen, 16x16” was painted in 2010. it hangs in our entryway.
ano kato is a series of paintings made in 2010, which can be viewed on this page:
2:36 PM: i started working on 5/16/21 watercolor/collage earlier, and switched off with making modifications to yesterday’s 5/15/21 watercolor/collage.
yesterday’s is on the right, BELOW, and today’s on the left. neither are resolved, so i might do a bit more work now before calling it a day. the ever present horizontal log has appeared in both, giving each a compositional boost.
thus far, i’d say today’s is more coherent, & reads quite well from a distance. framed, it might even be a knockout. it’s a good lesson in the use of white space, because if you look at one then the other, what may strike you is how, in today’s watercolor/collage, the so called negative spaces have a life of their own, while simultaneously playing a critical role in the entire composition. i like how the number 8 becomes a focal point to which your eye can return after traveling through the blues, greens, grays and orange-pinks.
12:06 PM: i’m strating 5/16/21 watercolor/collage while making ginger-tumeric tea. read up on the benefits of both & you’ll become a fan. ask me if you need help with the ingredients, other than fresh grated ginger & tumeric.
i was considering going out to paint plein air at the creek, which i haven’t done in months, but it’s going to cloud over again this afternoon, with possible thunderstorms, so i’ll stay here & work.