starting a new watercolor / 5/3/21 creek oil in the living room sunlight / by Philip Tarlow

3:43 PM: so if you look at my post from 20 minutes ago, i was going to wait till tomorrow to decide whether to collage. i didn’t wait, and just now added 3 collaged pieces which i think relieve the congestion and add a note of mystery, as well as the love i have for crestone/baca, which is what the map is. the pen and ink drawing is what’s left of what i did yesterday and added to one of my creek oil series of paintings.

once again, the unplanned, unexpected seemingly random interruption/enrichment of the composition wins the day, and harmony raises it’s flag of victory.

5/14/21 watercolor stage 3

3:20 PM: i’m just about cooked for the day, so i’m stopping here. not certain whether it’s complete. i might introduce a little collage tomorrow.

2:35 PM: stage 2 of 5/14/21 watercolor. a variety of greens, oranges and blues have enriched the composition. there’s more movement than there was in stage 1. i’ll keep working for about another hour, while i still have the juice.

BELOW: 2 details

1:40 PM: here’s stage 1 of 5/14/21 watercolor. it’s inspired by a trail walk we took about a week ago.

more a bit later, as it evolves…

11:52 AM: i brought 5/3/21 creek oil over to the house yesterday and plan on hanging it this afternoon. for now, it sits on the floor beneath our east living room north window. i like the light & shadow falling on the painting. i’m starting a new watercolor in a few minutes & will update as it progresses.