day 2: 4/23/21 Creek Oil / by Philip Tarlow

4/23/21 creek oil 26x78” at 1pm

1:02 PM: the composition is beginning to coalesce. the two tree trunks provide structure, and the brush swipes on either side contain the action.

4/23/21 creek oil 26x78” at noon

12:14 PM: 4/24 4/23/21 creek oil day 2 at noon. green areas were introduced on the right. back to work now; will post when the next stage is ready.

4/23/21 creek oil 26x78” at 10:15am

10:50 AM at a time of day i’m usually just getting started, i’ve already done my first round of work, thanks to our new earlier-to-bed, earlier-to-wake schedule.

i continued work on 4/23/21 creek oil, applying a few collaged bits and using alizarin violet lake; an oil color i don’t normally employ.