another morning drawing / snowstorm / resuming work on 2021 creek oil 6 / by Philip Tarlow

1:40 PM: i made a few tweaks to yesterdays work on 2021 creek oil 5, then moved on to 2021 creek oil 6, a very skinny girl, coming in at just 56 x 12”.

a new path is being forged. it’s not something i planned or intended; it just happened as a natural evolution of my ano kato series holding hands, as it were, with my creek series; both the watercolor/collages and the oils. the areas of drawing or sketching left unpainted on areas of the canvas is of course intentional. it reflects an ever present aesthetic dating back decades, but most evident perhaps in this 2008 oil, which was shown in my 2009 solo exhibition at skoufa gallery in athens.

BELOW: on the left: 2021 creek oil 6 and on the right: 2021 creek oil 5, both of which i worked on today.

BELOW: i made a second drawing in my morning drawing series. they will all be made in our bedroom, before leaving for the studio.

a snowstorm is moving in this afternoon, and is forecast to continue on and off through tomorrow. as usual, it’s totally up in the air how much we’ll get out of this storm, but there’s no doubt they’ll get a good boost to our snowpack on the peaks, above 12,000 ft.

BELOW are shots of the landscape at about 10:30, just before it began snowing.