2021 watercolor/collage 15 11 3/4x15”
2:12 PM: i made a new one: 2021 watercolor/collage 15. i used a figure i’ve used before of a high school kid at a friend’s house, shot from above pouring juice into a glass. the flowering cactus plant you see in the previous watercolor is also present, as well as a few creek references: rocks & branches.
there’s a piece of map collaged on, which adds some touches of yellow echoed in the boy’s arm.
i had some interruptions while working and thought i might not pull it off, but i think it works. we’ll see tonight when i bring it back to the house.
2021 watercolor 14 after some tweaks
8:41 PM: i made a few tweaks to 2021 watercolor 14 and, after watching the live stream of the national theatre of greece live stream of the play dimitri directed, which starts at 10:30 MST, i’ll likely get to work on a new watercolor.