kotzambasis drawing / stretching 2021 creek oil 4 / tapioca pudding / by Philip Tarlow

2:41 PM: we woke up to about 5+inches of new snow this morning, with temperatures not making it out of the teens. might get a bit more before tomorrow morning.

drawing for my watercolor of the actors

my son dimitri is directing a live performance at the national theatre of greece, broadcast online on february 20. the play, o kotzambasis of kastropirgou , is based upon the novel of the same name, by his grandfather, the late m. karagatsis. when he sent me a few beautiful photos of the lead actors, i felt moved to make a watercolor. so this morning i made the drawing for one of the two watercolors i plan on making. i may make the watercolor tomorrow, depending on my mood.

i think i mentioned in a recent blog post that mikela commissioned me to make a 78 x 16” vertical creek oil painting for a skinny wall in our living room. well, after finishing the drawing and making a batch of tapioca, i stretched the linen canvas for the painting. she’s still not fully recovered from the side effects after our second covid vaccination last tuesday (!!??) and hasn’t yet been able to eat, other than small pieces of toasted bread. we’re hoping she’ll be able to have some tapioca, and that maybe tomorrow some solid food. who knew these after effects could be so severe?

so i’m going back to the house to hang with mikela now. you know what’s for desert tonight!