12/20/2021 oil/collage as it looked at 2pm
1:53 PM: I continued work on 12/20/2021 oil/collage today, adding creek elements, so that the the dancing female figure is surrounded by foliage, with some logs & branches to her left.
a little while ago, I ran across this exhibition catalogue from 1976. my friend & mentor, Yannis Tsarouchis wrote the text, something he rarely did for an artist. so it was a great honor.
the painting on the cover is one of a series of paintings I did during that period of construction workers from a building project near my studio in athens.
i’ll work on a translation & post it when it’s ready.
4:25 PM: i went back over to the studio & scraped into that orange/yellow, which you see BELOW on the right. possibly not the best move.but i’ll work it out tomorrow.