study #9 for tokyo olympics series / morning skies as snow approaches / studio storage room completed / by Philip Tarlow

2:06 PM: I started working on tokyo olympics series #9. it’s inspired by photos of another skate boarder, arms flung back as he jumps with his board. this is phase 1, which will continue tomorrow.

I always love these early phases, where there’s lots of white space and it’s left to the viewer to fill in the blanks.

7:18 AM: our morning skies show some signs of approaching snowfall this afternoon and evening.

4:30 PM: BELOW: snow squalls began moving in mid-afternoon. we probably won’t get more than an inch, but every little bit counts when you’re in draught.

yesterday afternoon work was completed on my new studio storage space, after almost a month of on and off work. i’m going to leave the walls as is since it’s a storage space and i kind of like the patterning.