1:45 PM: this morning I made the first in a series of watercolor studies for my next series of oils inspired by the celebration following the recent tokyo olympics.
I documented the progress of this watercolor, starting with the drawing, which I posted BELOW.
the celebration was extraordinary, with dancers & acrobats moving beautifully to the music, in richly colorful costumes.
the series of paintings I envision will reveal itself over the coming weeks and perhaps months. some of the figures will be athletes in action, including some shots from above. in my ano kato series of paintings: https://www.philiptarlow.com/anokato
you will experience my passion for views from above. so wherever possible the athletes and performers will be portrayed from this angle.
it may sound as if these will be more illustrations than paintings, but if you glance at my recent paintings series: https://www.philiptarlow.com/2021-recentpaintings
you’ll see how i’ve used the figures in semi-abstract compositions, employing collaged elements: newspapers; magazine articles; maps and pen & ink drawings cut into pieces.
it’s still a mystery what these new ones will be like. after completing this preliminary series of watercolors, and when I can get a local woodworker to make me stretcher bars that are not warped, like the ones i’ve been ordering online, i’ll commence this new series.
the view at sunset looking south towards sisnaajini/mt. blanca