10/2/2021 painting/collage at 3pm, following extensive collaging
3:16 PM: I did a bit more….actually a lot more, mostly collaging. if you compare the 2pm image below with this one, you will likely find it somewhat easier to peruse, as well as discovering unplanned, unexpected relationships of the biomorphic forms that make up this composition. they are a result of how my hand holding the matte knife moves across the piece of paper I happen to be cutting; in swirling motions that engage my entire body. the body of the tokyo olympics dancer, now upside down and bare breasted, with her checkered shorts and red hat, trails off into a snake-like shape, meeting up with the head, which you may not yet have discovered, of yet another tokyo olympics dancer, with a blue striped shirt.
DETAIL of the upside down dancer
10/2/2021 painting/collage at 2pm flipped upside down again
2:08 PM: i’ve been painting & collaging 10/2/2021 painting/collage on and off since 11:30am. I flipped the painting 360 ° so it’s in it’s original state, and added the paddler figure, who seems to want to show up everywhere. especially in a long narrow shape like this, he can serve as an anchor, from which the eye can roam at will. not sure I have much more in me, so i’m going to take a fruit & yoghurt break; we have a ton of fruit from our denver trip & have to consume before it goes bad. the raspberries are already on the edge.
11:36 AM: i’m about to jump back in to 10/2/2021 painting/collage. it’s got something, but it also needs something. let’s see what that might be.
updates as they become available.