9/22/2021 painting/collage at 2pm, following modifications you can read about in my 2:01 post, below
2:01 PM: I made significant modifications to 9/22/2021 painting/collage in an unlikely atmosphere of hammering and periodically checking in with the tech guy who was trying to improve our crazy slow internet speeds.
I use the word significant because, if you compare the before and after, BELOW, you’ll notice that painting over the pink on the left has resulted in a far more coherent composition, which was my intention today. the deepening of the shadow of the jumping skate boarder; the isolation of the upper body of the dancing girl on the left and the addition of a shadow beneath her legs and the addition of the falling tennis champion’s right arm….have all made it easier for your eye to traverse the surface of this painting without getting stuck. if you make the before and after images BELOW full page, then go back & forth between the two, you’ll likely see what I mean.
12:02 PM: amidst the hammering of the crew building my storage space and the fluctuations in our internet speed, which is being worked on as we speak, i’m going to launch into further modifications to 9/22/2021 painting/collage, which I think can improve greatly if i’m in the right space.
here’s what it currently looks like: