9/22/2021 painting/collage at the end of my painting day today; to be continued Wednesday morning
4:23 PM: here’s the current state of the painting, after doing a bit more since my last post. can’t be in the studio tomorrow, so i’ll resume on wednesday.
9/22/2021 painting/collage at 2pm today
2:43 PM: this painting, which I created back in september, has been on the easel or on the wall in my studio since then. I look at it every day, and have the sense that it’s not resolved. it differs from the others in this series in that it’s rectangular in shape, rather than long & narrow. so it presents a very different set of compositional challenges. painting the others was a bit like working on a frieze. this shape is, in a way, more challenging. today I added the figure of the tennis champion at the moment she learns she’s won, falling to the ground. this pose is a few seconds earlier than the one i’ve used in 10/2/2021 painting/collage., where she’s actually on the ground. here, she’s in the process of falling. so her limbs are in different positions.
BELOW you see the two stages of the tennis champion’s fall; on the left, in today’s painting, she’s on her way down, and on the right, in 9/10/2021 painting/collage, she’s fallen to the ground.