SUNSET this afternoon
SUNSET this afternoon
2:04 PM: 2021 creek oil 1 is a verical once again. i painted and scraped over it, and here’s how it looked when i left my studio early today.
as it was originally, it’s inspired by by japanese 18th c. master of the brush, taiga.
the lightly overpainted work i did over the past few days peeks through and gives new meaning to the more prominant marks i made this morning.
so what’s new? the mountain peaks outlined in blue; the beginnings of a grouping of trees in the center of the composition and, finally, the seated figures at the bottom. they are poets, painters and musicians who collaborated artistcially and drank lots of wine together.
10:31 AM: when i entered my studio 15 minutes ago, and looked at 2021 creek oil 1, it made no sense whatsoever. it was all up in my head. so, once i’m done with breakfast, i’m going to paint & scrape over it & see where it goes from there. maybe getting to work will take my mind off georgia for a while.
if you look at an earlier, 2020 creek oil, BELOW left, and compare, you’ll see what i mean.the earlier one has a compositional coherence lacking in 2021 creek oil 1.
so i’m going to get to work and will post once i’ve made changes.