2021 creek oil 1 26x78” as it looked at 1pm
i continued to simplify 2021 creek oil 1, focusing mainly onthe right half of the painting. in the same way those 2 trees were bothering me and seemed less and less essential, i felt similarly about the grey rock on the lower right. so i painted over that whole right side, leaving only what felt essential and adding a few blue rock forms. paintings need to breathe, just like the rest of us. it’s close but i’m not sure it’s there yet. BELOW: how the painting looked before (left) and after todays intervention. click on each image to make it full screen.
2021 creek oil 2 26 x 66” as it looked at the end of my work day.
once i stopped work on 2021 creek oil 1, i moved on to 2. i had painted over the initial very colorful first stage and now that it’s dry, i went back in, brushing a bit more titanium buff color over what had already been brushed over, and began working into it again, adding some leaf shapes on the left and rocks on the right.the song this one is singing is a rather delicate one, and i’m conscious of moving my brush and my arm and my whole body to that rhythm. BELOW starting from the left are the 3 stages of 2021 creek oil 2 thus far. i’ll continue work on this one tomorrow. right now i’m going to clean up & go meet mikela at the house so we can leave for our afternoon walk up to the stupa.
a bettert photo of 2021 creek oil 3 32x32”