2:39 PM: gotta go get our veggies from tom at the kiosk, but i just started watercolor 118, and will leave it like this till tomorrow. such a pleasure to be able to view it on my newly painted white east wall! definitely a lighter touch here than in watercolor 117, but the image is still kind of scattered compared with the best of this series. i like how that lighter blue on the right works in the composition, and how, even though the big branch dissects the composition, it seems to work as an anchor.
since our return from carbondale last sunday,i’m clearly in a searching mode. don’t think i’ve yet found my groove, but i feel something beginning to emerge….it may be that i’m preparing fro whatever happens with this new 26 x 78” canvas i stretched yesterday. as you can see in the photo below of my newly whitened wall, it has a few creases i need to get out before getting to work on it.
1:19 PM: when i entered the studio my eyes were distracted by the many paint marks and nail holes. i’ve been meaning to get someone to help me spackle and paint it, but it just hasn’t happened. so, on impulse, i grabbed some old containers of gesso, which had somewhat hardened & were pretty much useless, added water to liquify it, chose one of my wide painting brushes & got to work. it’s not perfect, and it could use another coat, but it’s so much better than before, and will allow me to hang whatever i’m working on and view it without distraction. before and after images are BELOW.
beofre whiting over the wall, and even before my coffee & toast, i made some additions to yesterdays watercolor 117. it’s definitely not one of those earlier, very spare, japanese-looking ones. but, as mikela said after looking at it an hour ago, “somebody’s going to like it!” BELOW: the before and after. ya think it’s too congested? me too. but, as somebody i love a lot said, “somebody’s gonna like it!”