4:37 PM: it’s hard to get up steam after we take our morning trail walk and i arrive in my studio so late. that said, i did start, albeit tentatively, watercolor 123, and cut up and began re-arranging the pieces of an earlier watercolor i wasn’t happy with. that’s what you see BELOW, and tomorrow morning i’ll take these further with fresh morning energy.
3:02 PM: we took our trail walk this morning, and these are some of the photos i shot, some of which i will be referencing for new paintings. as we walked, the thought occurred to me, which i’ve had in the past, that i should review my blog posts and make a selection for a small book. i have to ask squarespace whether it’s possible to extract all the posts in one fell swoop, so i don’t have to scroll through them all.
i’m about to launch into watercolor 123 and will post pics as soon as they become available.