watercolor 90 13 x 20”
3:41 PM: this is watercolor 90, in the same mood as 89, but larger (13 x 20”) & a tad more crowded as a composition.
i’m seeing that it’s key, when i start one of these, to make a few bold moves, as you see in the upper quadrant of watercolor 89, BELOW. otherwise i end up fenagling around like a cook searching for his favorite knife. those early bold chi filled marks are the anchor around which the rest of the composition can build. so, in 89, one of the very last moves was that green shape on the lower right, which could not have come about without those bold, early orange and blue marks on top. but still, 90 does have it’s own identity, and will look great on it’s new owners wall. it’s gestalt is compelling enough to prevent getting stuck on details. here’s a definition of gestalt":
Gestalt refers to the form or shape of something and suggests that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
watercolor 89 10x13”
taiga tree, 18th c. japan
1:32 PM: watercolor 89, 10x13” popped out his morning. i still have juice, so i may start a larger one, 13x20” this reflects my mood right now: dangerously squiggly and in love with blues and oranges. the creek, while it remains my inspiration, is becoming a pretext for voluptuous marks, in part honoring the great taiga and his wife, gyokuran. they were totally into sexy marks long before they were fashionable and acceptable.
our bunny a few days ago
7:59 am: yesterday evening just before sunset, i saw our local rabbit under our suv. he/she was up on it’s hind legs purposefully doing something that looked a lot eating. but his head was blocked, so i couldn’t be sure. what was so appealing under there?
he/she is a survivor of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, which is probably why we’re seeing so few of them this spring. here’s what the article said on april 20: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Confirmed in Southern Colorado, Broomfield, Colo. – A highly contagious and fatal disease of rabbits and hares has been detected for the first time in Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) report that Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus type 2 (RHDV-2) was confirmed late last week in three wild cottontail rabbits approximately 10 miles southeast of Alamosa in Costilla County, CO. RHDV-2 does NOT affect humans or domestic species other than rabbits, but is highly contagious and lethal among rabbits.
so i should get to my studio by 10 or so and get started on watercolor 89. i’m also planning on doing more work preparing for my august show in carbondale. i’d like if possible, to make a selection of the oils i might include, in addition to the watercolors, as well as making a final decision on how the watercolors will be framed. more later….