thunderstorms / watercolors 80-81 / by Philip Tarlow

3:51PM: for the past hour we’ve been having an intense thunder/hail storm. a flash flood warning is in effect for crestone/baca.

watercolor 81, stage 1

before it got too dark to paint, i was able to complete stage 1 of the larger 13 x 20” watercolor 81. i’ll resume tomorrow morning after our early morning trail walk.

2:58 PM: thunderstorms are moving in from the north. rain started at 2:58. the rest of the valley is sunny and clear. these storms are impossible to predict in our valley, as are the amounts of rain. there is a flash flood warning at the moment.

1:33 PM: the monsoonal flow has kicked in, resulting in a series of afternoon thunderstorms. this may last for another week or so, then taper off and resume later in the summer. it’s dramatic, with skies darkening around 3 and storms moving in roughly between 3-6 or later. yesterday they continued until almost 10pm. this afternoon they are expected to start a bit later; about 6:30. here’s what our skies looked like yesterday afternoon at 5:50.

watercolor 80 10 x 13”

this is watercolor 80. the curvy white spaces are what is created in the creek when there’s still ice, and it’s beginning to grow smaller due to temperatures starting to rise above freezing in early spring. a dance of shapes results, broken by the brances and remaining leaves from the previous fall. if you set out to create am abstract composition along these lines, you could never match the harmony created by the natural world.