watercolor 42
6:15 PM: just back from our weekly jour fixe date on our friend’s deck. windy as hell, but we love their company! we told stories, got to know and love each other more deeply and had some of the tastiest oragnge cake you could imagine,
when i brought the 2 watercolors back to the house, mikela actually liked watercolor 42, the one i had considered a failure, so i’m posting it for you to see and evaluate. it’s certainly unlike any of the previous ones in this series, as it has a figure, which is me. it’s starting to grow on me, so i’ll see how i feel about it in the morning.
watercolor 41, 10 x 13”
yesterdays watercolor 40
2:52 PM: i made 2 experiments today, one of which didn’t work. this one, watercolor 41, is kind of OK, but not what i was after. so i’m going to continue along this avenue of breaking up a single image of teh creek and incorporating other views, creating one unified composition. i think yesterdays watercolor 40, BELOW, was more successful in this new direction i’m attempting. if you take a look at my 2020 watercolors page (hit the dropdown menu to get there) you will notice a progression, albeit spasmotic, from a more to less literal interpretation of the creek photos i’m referring to when i make the watercolors. generally, the more recent ones are further towards the top of the page.
“ details harm the purity of the lines and harm the emotional intensity; we reject them.”
making the drawings for todays watercolors, one of which was tossed
12:21 PM: today will be a rather short one, as we have our jour fixe rendezvous, for snacks, a bit of wine & good conversation on our friends deck. i’m making 2 drawings for watercolors that will be painted in tandem. more as work progresses, a bit later…..