this mornings self portrait / yesterdays watercolor 14 in entryway / by Philip Tarlow

5:56 PM: watercolor 15 has passed the test. when i brought it to the house a few hours ago, we both observed that it held up to our scrutiny, carries very well, and is a great addition to the series. i hadn’t had a chance to adjust most of the trail walk photos i shot yesterday, which i just did. there’s a wealth of material i can’t wait to get my brush moving on. there was such a beautiful ight yesterday afternoon.

3:28 PM: i completed watercolor 15 moments ago.i’m not yet sure if i overworked it. i had more time than usual, since we decided not to take our walk this afternoon. as usual, i’ll know better once i see it i the house later this afternoon.

that green in the middle is where i think i may have spent too much time. but i like what happened in the section on the left a lot. it reads well form a distance, but i do see a hole where that rock is, in the mid-lower left just above the log. so i may so a slight intervention there. what i like about this one when i compare it with the other 9 on the wall, is the richness; it seems like less of a sketch and more of a full on painting. BELOW are the 3 stages of development it went through today:

11:25 AM: the studio just now, as i prepare to start watercolor 15 in about 30 min. i kind of liked it when i shot the photo below of me working on it earlier in the day.

8:19 AM: this morning first thing i made a new self portrait, this one in ink, which i sent to manio & philip in athens. yesterday afternoon i brought watercolor 14 over to the house for evaluation. it passed with flying colors. here she is in our entryway. she’ll return to the studio in a few hours, where she’ll join her brothers & sisters on my east wall. the racket you see in the foreground is called the executioner, and is a very effective way of dealing with flies & mosquitoes. press the little button, swipe at one of them, and zap, it’s over!

it’s very likely that later this morning i’ll start watercolor 15, probably based on photos i shot on our trail walk yesterday afternoon.

i’ll post that process as it evolves. so you’ll witness the artistic activity of a painter born in brooklyn, transformed in greece and ripened in crestone.

who knows, maybe i’ll take the first steps in writing the book i’ve been dreaming.