10th month: big wipe then re-work this morning / by Philip Tarlow

DETAIL: 10th month with the red reflections

2:36 PM: since i shot the 12:08 photo i did more work on 10th month, in particular the waterfalls in the center of the image as well as adding a few red ripples in the water beneath the lower rock. the origin of those red reflections is a photo i shot sometime last year at the creek site which is at the foot of the trail leading up to tashi gomang stupa.there are some many colored tibetan flags hanging over the creek, which cast some red reflections (in the image on the right)

below on the left is the earlier version and on the right, the painting as it looks at the end of my painting day, just before our hike up to the stupa.

12:08 PM: i was able to get an early start this morning. when i looked at 10th month, i was horrified at how harsh it seemed & got to work immediately with solvent & rags to wipe out yesterdays foolishness and begin working into it. still a ways to go, but at least it’s calmed down. below left: yesterday & right: today