bedside drawing series / by Philip Tarlow

a 2014 plein air creek painting and a recent collage just hung (temporarily) in my studio bathroom.

11:44 am: i found a small drawing book purchased in paris at museé d’orsay last year. it was in one of my many bags.

it occurred to me this morning that i’m missing out on an opportunity. i could have this little drawing book next to our bed, and while i’m engaged in my morning or evening rituals of shoulder exercises & toiletries, i could be making drawings in this little guy, which will now be used exclusively for that purpose. they will likely be in pencil, using the zippered little leather container of pencils i take with us on our travels, when i make my h&h and bonfire coffee shop drawings.

here’s the first one:

the drawings will likely be inspired by stuff in the bedroom, of which there is no lack!