3:22 PM: after doing some work on the oil you see below, i made a new watercolor: 167. i’m not calling it watercolor/collage 167 simply because i don’t anticipate there will be any collaging in this one. inspired by a series of recent photos i’ve shot of the creek, i chose one which is more “abstract” in the sense that you are looking straight down at a tightly cropped patch of icy creek water and rocks. period.
here we see the natural abstraction occurring in all of nature. the way i use this as a channel for mark making is perhaps more of an opportunity to explore the movements my hand, arm and body make when holding a brush, as well as the colors i gravitate towards.
we could be looking at a portion of the vast galaxy just as well as a few meters of the creek. as is true with all of the paintings i post, in real life it’s far more vibrant and alive than what you perceive on your screen.
watercolor 167 11x14.5”
1:23 PM: i was about to start a new watercolor when my eye caught yesterdays 2020 found of a flute 2. i felt the urge to work into it, which i did. BELOW is a comparative view of yesterday’s (left) and today’s
now maybe i’ll start work on a new watercolor/collage.