2:29 PM: i got back to work today after our salida adventure yesterday & as predicted was able to view watercolor/collage 166 and 12/19/20 creek oil with fresh eyes. i made changes to both. i think the watercolor is now resolved and will not undergo any further changes. the faint grey marks on mikela’s body were enough to make that space seem less like a blank and more like an integral part of the composition. as well, i extended some of the purple shadows, giving more balance to the composition with the least possible means.
BELOW: the before & after
the oil underwent dramatic changes, although at first glance it might not seem so. the blue calligraphic marks made with a fan brush were lightly painted over with a rose tint and new marks took their place. some of what was there yesterday remains, but what you see now (in the image on the right, below) fills more of the square space of the composition, allowing it to breathe more fully. a dance is now occurring, and a few small but critical red marks provide a subtle accent to the movement taking place. i ahd to wait for the right moment to pounce. the nature of this painting is such that it resists interference, whispering just leave well enough alone, philip. it actually helped that i received some new ink for my fountain pens today. i tried one of them out, which is named southern portal. the flourishes i made on a blank piece of paper emboldened me to make the marks you see in todays version. i had no intention of drawing something or creating a composition; i was just making the marks that come naturally when i move my arms and hand. that small event opened the door.