stretching a new one so i can go back & forth / stage 2, 3 & 4 of yesterdays 12/19/20 creek oil / by Philip Tarlow

3:11 PM: BELOW are stages 1,2 & 4 as i prepare to return to the house on a rather unexpectedly gloomy cloudy day. i wasn’t expecting that grey to enter the picture, and i’m not yet sure how i feel about it. i’ll see in the morning. for now, this is it. i’m continuing to feel energized by this switch from months of watercolor/collage on paper to oil on linen. but i still haven’t gotten used to having to clean my brushes & wear gloves most of the time.

at work on 12/19/20 creek oil, stage 3

1:58 PM: a new grey rock has appeared on the mid-right, as well as those red creek plants i so love

1:13 PM: i was about to unstretch an older painting & stretch a new one so i could go back & forth between the two & not get stuck on one. but i couldn’t resist diving back into this one i started yesterday, which now looks like this.

BELOW: a comparative view of stage 1 (left) and 2.

some scraping has taken place, and the whites in the center are new.

i’m going to keep working as long as i’m into it., then maybe i’ll stretch a new one for tomorrow?

ano kato 29 32x32”

11:54 AM: when i entered the studio & cast my first look at this one i started yesterday, i could see it needed work. but instead of having all my eggs in one basket, i’m unstretching ano kato 29, which you see here so i can use the stretcher bars for a new one. this painting i’m about to unstretch is based upon photos i shot at MOMA 5 or 6 years ago. personally, i love that green helicopter suspended above the museum goers. this painting is available, so if you’re interested, let me know. the rest of my ano kato series can be found here: