continued work on 158 yesterday with no time to post new watercolor/collage 159 / by Philip Tarlow

watercolor/collage 159 11 x 15”

2:35 PM: starting watercolor/collage 159: i started this new one this afternoon. there’s no collaging as of now. the three elements: a girl gazing at a semi-circular white object; a creek rock with water and the branches of a tree are, unlike the previous one, BELOW, stark and clear. the negative white spaces of the arches watercolor paper is as much a part of the total composition as are the areas where watercolor was applied.

watercolor/collage 158 12 1/2 x 10” watercolor & collage on arches paper

10:59 AM: yesterday evening i posted the changes i had made to watercolor/collage 157. i was about to post chages i made to 158, but got involved in another project. so here are yesterdays changes, which i think complete this one.

the earlier version looked like what you see BELOW left. it was a watercolor inspired by our creek walk a day earlier, on december 9. yesterday however, the prospect of continuing along those realist lines seemed utterly boring. i then painted in one of the female figures from my opening at space gallery, viewed from above, from there i started collaging until i arrived at a point where it felt complete. it was the end of my work day, i was late for our stupa walk but i wasn’t completely satisfied with the result. so, working very quickly and of necessity getting completely out of my head, i added a few collaged bits: the ones from a map, with blue & black dots, & called it a day. getting out of my head is part of my daily process. it starts first thing in the morning, with my meditation.

so now i’m about to dive in to my next project, and i have no idea what that might be. i’ll update when that becomes clear.