rework of watercolor / collage 135 / by Philip Tarlow

5:04 PM: just before leaving my studio, i made a small tweak, collaging over the bit to the right of the figure, which you can see in the image below.

watercolor/collage 135 after todays rework

2:51 PM: i decided watercolor/collage 135 was too scattered and decided to rework it, introducing a small figure. it’s still in process, but it looks right now as though it’s benefitting from the changes i made thus far. i’m going to call it a day so we can take our walk up to the stupa & i’ll see how i feel about it in the morning.

BELOW: watercolor/collage 135 before (left) and after todays revisions. i had to sacrifice, as usual, some very beautiful but unnecessary passages for the sake of the whole; something biden may find himself confronting soon.