2:18 PM: i liked what happened yesterday when i added a figure to watercolor/collage 142. so today i added ano/kato figures (figures viewed from above) to watercolor 141 & 143. BELOW you see the before & after, with 141 in the top row and todays version, with the the added figures on the right.
in watercolor/collage 141, i used the figure you’ve seen in a few previous watercolors: a high school girl seated on the floor of the school hallway, wearing a turquoise top. in watercolor/collage 143 in the bottom row, the figure is less obvious, and is a red headed school girl sitting in a chair at her desk, typing on her laptop. in case you’re wondering how i got access to these students, their schools were participating in the tests we were doing a few years back of our educational product, actionlab360, which will be introduced to schools here in our valley once they open back up this coming year.
so this is literally giving a whole new dimension to these watercolors. i don’t yet know where i’ll take it from here.