watercolor/collage 146 at the end of my painting day
DETAIL: watercolor/collage 146 following todays tweaks
3:06 PM: so i did, as i said earlier, make some changes to watercolor 146, but they were a bit more extensive than i had thought, and include a small area of collage, making this watercolor/collage 146. i can’t yet tell whether it’s now too crowded or whether what i did is an improvement. BELOW are the before & after; what do you think?
6:33am skies over the sangre de christo mountains, as we drove the 200 miles to boulder
last nights dinner
breakfast this morning in my studio
11:53 AM: yesterday we left for boulder at 6 am and returned at 4:30PM. a long day, which included a root canal & some costco food shopping. the skies were magnificent as we left crestone, and even more so upon our return. mikela got smoked salmon, bagels & boursin, amongst many other goodies. so this morning, my studio breakfast was delicious. last night, following our return, we had some of mikela’s famous veggie & lentil soup with a side of smoked salmon & boursin on crackers, accompanied by one of my favorite ipa’s.
i’m about to make a few tweaks to yesterdays watercolor. stay tuned and i’ll post when i’m done. then i may start a new one.