watercolor/collage 137 as it looked moments ago, at about 2pm
2:03 PM: as the wind picks up, the temperature drops and the clouds race by, announcing the immenant arrival of what may be a major snowstorm, i continued work on watercolor/collage 137. i’m walking that edge, asking politely that my mind be quiet while i listen to my gut and pay attention to my sense of space. i do cast glances at the ones i’ve done recently and steal from them what worked, while making it new. probably what any decent songwriter or novelist goes through.
at the same time, now that i’ve broken my own rule about not collaging over other collaged pieces, i’m conscious of not doing that too much and in so doing creating too many layers, which can end up looking messy.
pieces of older watercolors i wasn’t happy with and cut up are serving me well today, especially the ones containing branches. the one i just collaged a few miniutes ago, with the green on the upper right, really struck a chord, enabling the entire surface to vibrate and sing.
on the left, yesterdays version. you can see that what i took out by collaging over it: the map bits ceter-right and the green and pink piece of paper palette in the upper center were essentially fragmenting the composition, whereas the bits that have replaced them add coherence, and allow the successful area on the left to breathe and sing its song.