trail walk / the demon queller toad / continuing watercolor 130 / by Philip Tarlow

watercolor/collage 130 as it looked moments ago

10-13-20 watercolor 130.jpg

3:58 PM: i cut watercolor 130 into small pieces and am reassembling it as a collage, including pieces of maps & other pieces of paper containing images. this time, my intent is to not have any of the collaged pieces overlap each other, so that whatever i glue down to the surface will remain undisturbed. this is making me much more conscious of every move, while maintaining the randomness of the image being created by the collective pieces. i’m leaving it as you see it, and will resume tomorrow morning.

5:17 PM: after bringing it back to the house and looking at it with mikela, i decided that this one is resolved. unless i wake up with a different perspective, i’m going to leave it as is and start something new. i just now put it on my home page.

here’s watercolor 130 as it looked yesterday, before i cut it up. it’s easy to identify the pieces i used today. i’ll be using more pieces in a future watercolor collage.

1:50 PM: this is something i came across while having my morning coffee.

one of the photos i shot this morning on our trail walk

1:41 PM this morning we walked up the trail for an hour, encountering many beautiful views of the creek. i’m going to print a few out after i finish working on watercolor 130.

stay tuned for updates on watercolor 130