first collage of 2020 / breaking into song / by Philip Tarlow

today was kind of crazy. i received delivery of my very long awaited new fridge. we got it at a steep end of year discount, and it’s a beauty. a samsung with double doors & a big freezer on the bottom. it’s a big, handsome fellow, which changes the look & feel of my studio dramatically.

perhaps it was my glee at getting my new fridge, i can’t say, but a few hours before it arrived and as i was working on this, the first collage of 2020, i began singing loudly. the more i sang, the more my spirits soared, and i actually like the sound of my voice. i may take a next step, which will be to learnn the words & music to one of my favorite operas, and begin singing it.

1-2-20 collage 9.5 x 7.75”

so i sang & counted the minutes until the arrival of my fridge, i started a new collage. it confirms to me, as i look at it & put it next to the one i did 3-4 days ago, that a new aesthetic is emerging, colored by the sound of a flute series paintings. while they are much larger & in oil on linen, the lessons i learned about space, composition & color have carried over.

maps have re-entered the picture. they last appeared in a series of collages i made in 2014. most of them were gifts from my friend dan, who had lots of maps from his childhood, with trails he & his parents hiked in northern ny state. others are maps of greece i collected during my 15 year stay. and others, like the one i used in this collage, are maps of the netherlands, where i’ve spent time with my friends gary & loekie.