BELOW: 2 drawings made at h&h in edwards
2:55 PM: I thought i’d be getting back to work yesterday, 2 1/2 weeks after the flooding in my studio. as it turns out, today was the day.
at work this morning on sound of a flute II
sound of a flute over water II is a commissioned version of the painting with the same title, minus the II, which is now in a private collection in Santa Fe, nm.
of course it’s not possible to recreate an exact replica of the earlier version, nor would I want to. as a result, this feels like just as much an adventure into the unknown as the others in this series did when I was painting them.
i’m stopping here for the day, and likely won’t continue work till we return from edwards, where we’ll be engaged with the teachers & students at the middle school we’ve been working with for 3-4 years, piloting our educational product, actionlab360.
stay tuned, however, as i’ll likely be posting from our favorite edwards restaurant/coffee shop, where I love making drawings of the clients sipping coffe, having conversations &, sometimes, just gazing, deep in thought.
ABOVE: a couple of recent drawings made at h&h in edwards